Our program starts with a measurement of the curvature on a map which is computer analyzed, flexibility and movement testing. You are then deweighted in a specific scoliosis vest which stretches the spine toward a straightened position, stretching tight muscles as you walk on a treadmill to reeducate the muscle patterning. Exercises are then preformed: Stretching exercises to stretch tight muscles on the concave side of the curve and strengthening exercises to the weakness convex side, derotating the spine. These exercises may be performed on a mat, on the pneubac or on Pilates equipment. A home program of specific stretching counteracting the scoliosis spinal rotation and strengthening is given with written and picture instructions. You are further deweighted on the pneubac sitting for 10 to 15 mins. While deweighted sitting, stretching the spine straight specific levels of the spine are exercised to strengthen and derotate the spine. This provides you a proprioception of a corrected spine position as you leave the clinic.
Reevaluations remeasuring the curvature are performed on a monthly basis.